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Monday, September 6, 2010

This is amazing!

When I am out and about I always look for a little Christmas.  It might be a corner of a store, or someone who inadvertently left a Christmas decoration out... but who knew when I was in Kansas City (MO) this weekend I would see this:

Yes, this is a storefront!

And more of it....

A close up of Santa.

 Yes, storefronts at the Plaza have Christmas up!  Woo Hooo!

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  1. Looks like you struck gold here. Love the little panda sitting in the snow...too cute. I'm spoiled here, in my little town we have a Christmas store that is open all year round. It is quite large too, 3 floors of an old stone house. I'm way overdue for a visit.
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Oh yay!!! How beautiful. And what a great surprise in Sept. I love it!

  3. Goodness!1 This just made my heart sing!! I love this display and only increases my already soaring anticipation of the Christmas season!!


  4. Terri, these photos are awesome. I have just sent you an email from abouth the christmas card.


  5. Christmas already? WOW time has flown by this year! I love Christmas decorations.


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