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Monday, December 23, 2013

Challenge 23: Who Do I Consider Family

I have always taken a broad outlook to the word, "family."   Of course it is those people that I was born to, the group who shares my DNA and accepted me from the moment I was born.

1.  The Oliver/Dorrell/Holt/Wilson family.

There is the family that accepted me on June 18, 1977 when I married Bob.

2.  The Steffes/Niemeier/Fessler families.

There is the family that surrounded Bob and I as we entered the work world after college.

3.  The Adams/Sergent/VanDover/Hamilton/and many others who made up Jeff Jr. and West Jr. and Lee School.

Then there were the people who accepted a Columbia person into the world of the Jefferson City Jays.

4.  The Richardson/Dudenhoeffer/Tomlinson/Schebaum/Angle/Eisinger/Lyle/Beta Sigma Phi/PEO/DAR and Lewis and Clark families who welcomed us into their circles.

The women who braved the internet in the 1990s, recognizing that it would be a way to connect to others far away.

5.  The Chickberry and GLU families.

Our church families.

6.  Our Lady of Lourdes, The Cathedral and now Saint Charles of Borromeo.

Now my New Town family.  Thank you for welcoming us into the fold.

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  1. Okay, that made me cry. Now I'm thinking of all my extended family, and of course of my internet sistas. Love you, Triplet!


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