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Monday, November 18, 2019

What's On Your Phone Party Game #12DaysofChristmasIdeas

Welcome to Day 4 of the 5th annual 12 Days of Holiday Ideas event, hosted by Shirley of Intelligent Domestications and Erlene of My Pinterventures Between Nov. 11th and December 6th there will be hundreds of new ideas shared by over 55 Co-host bloggers!

Go here to see our kick-off collection of Holiday ideas as well as all of this year's talented participating DIY and Foodie Blogs. Download this years November and December calendars with all of the topics and dates so you can make plans to watch for ideas!

We are hosting a BIG GIVEAWAY from our Sponsors this year! 
Be sure to scroll all the way down for more information and to enter to win!

My family adores Christmas games. We love the saran wrap ball and the candy bar game. This year I have a new game to share with them called What's On Your Phone?  It works like this:  everyone gets the sheet of look-fors handed to them upside down. The timer is set for 10 minutes. 

At the word "GO!" everyone turns over the sheet and starts looking for the items on the list, checking off the box when the item is found. When the timer goes off, everyone adds up their points. The one who has the most points is the winner!  Here's where it gets hilarious.  Up to 5 people can challenge any one of the checked boxes and the person has to show where it is on the phone! Some planned cheating might be going on! If the person cannot produce the item, they go to the bottom of the scores and gets the last choice of gifts. 

You can choose how many winners, we have 20 people in our family, so I buy one great gift (for the winner) and 19 funny gimmicky gifts for the rest of us. Those little gifts are wrapped and as we go down the scores from highest to lowest, the person picks a gift from the pile.

Click on the photo below to copy this for your own family. It is my gift to you!

The printable is mostly white so that it doesn't use a tone of ink, but cute, too. You can always print it in grayscale to save ink!  Enjoy!

Let's make this party even more fun!  Download your favorite beats and have each guest sing a traditional Christmas carol to different beats!  Let your creativity shine!

MEET OUR SPONSORS who have generously donated 
fabulous prizes for the Big Christmas Giveaway!

DecoArt  winner will receive a prize package valued at $100!
Dixie Crystals/Imperial Sugar winner will receive a Keurig Coffee Maker valued at $100!
Oriental Trading winner will receive an gift card valued at $200!
Cabot Cheese winner will receive a gift basket of Cabot products valued at $75!
Burlap Fabric winner will receive a prize pack of products valued at $50!
Zulay Kitchens winner will receive one Milk Frother and a Lemon Squeezer valued at $21
It's Home To You winner will receive one wooden Santa sign valued at $65
12 Days of Holiday Ideas Event Sponsors 2019

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  1. This game looks like a lot of fun and everyone has a phone in the family. The holidays come with a lot of family time so this would be a great game to play with the kids.

  2. Haha that is an awesome game. I have to remember to bust this out at our Christmas parties.

  3. I love the What's On Your Phone game, especially your version. I'm looking forward to playing this one with the family. Love it!

  4. were just talking about adding some fun party games to our xmas holiday party and i cant wait to share some of your suggestions!

  5. What a great game idea! I'll keep it in mind for the holidays. We'd have a ton of fun with this. (I have over 1000 photos on my phone. Oops!)

  6. This looks like a lot of fun to play! Pinning.

  7. This looks like a hilarious game! I can't wait to introduce this at our holiday get together. (Rena)

  8. What a fun game! I'm going to print this off for our Thanksgiving celebration to add a little humor to the evening.

  9. This game sounds like a lot of fun to do with my family this holiday season.

  10. Now this sounds like a great party game to kick off the festive seasons with and help get everyone in a fun mood!

  11. This is a cute game! I did take the quiz and got exactly 11 points. I think that probably means my phone is not in the Christmas spirit. Will have to change that!

  12. Love it! Printing this out for a couple of parties I will be hosting!

  13. I love this game! I plan on hosting a couple of Christmas get-togethers and I love the idea of this "What's On Your Phone" Christmas edition - it's really simple but still so much fun.

  14. What a fun holiday game and giveaway! Good luck to everyone who enters!!!

  15. This is such an awesome game idea! I would love to play this game because it sounds so fun and everyone could actually join in.

  16. This sounds like a fun game. I'm always looking for new games for the holidays. I may just need to try this one out this year too.

  17. These sound so fun! I'll have to give them a go at my next party :)

  18. Thank you for these ideas! These are just perfect for the coming holiday season.

  19. Thank you for all these great holiday ideas! It sounds like a lot of fun!

  20. Mama Maggie's KitchenNovember 20, 2019 at 2:53 AM

    This game will be fun for the Holiday parties. I'm sure my family will enjoy playing this and this will make a great memory.

  21. This sounds like a fun game to play with the family this holiday season. Thank you for sharing!

  22. Such fun ideas. And this reminds me our Christmas parties back in my hometown. We always play games on Christmas Eve and it was always super fun.



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