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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Pinterest Challenge: Fun and Unique Gift Wrappings

This month I am participating in the Pinterest Challenge hosted by Alexandra of EyeLoveKnots.  You can follow her here: 

INSTAGRAM: @OnRockwoodLane

She does a lot of work on this challenge and so wanted to put the word out on how you can see her content. Be sure and check her out!

This month I was inspired by a pin posted by Mindful Mommas about how to use scarves for gift wrapping purposes. I really loved the idea of not wasting paper and having the "wrap" be a part of the gift!  So I took a little different spin and wrapped up a dozen cookies using a cloth napkin.  

These napkins are a bit special as they came from my vacation in Mexico.  I tied one like Mindful Momma did, but the other I secured using a brand new clear ponytail elastic. It made a cute bow on top!  For larger amounts of cookies, cute dish towels would be so adorable!

Check out all the other unique gift wrapping ideas found at the following blogs.  You will come up with some great ideas and help save the planet in a tiny way.  It all adds up!

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  1. I'm loving the idea of reducing wrapping paper waste so this idea is right up my street. This would work great for any table linen found in a charity shop or thrift store wouldn't it, a clever way to use a napkin that's not part of a set any more.

  2. Thank you so much for the shout out! This is awesome! Two gifts in one, and a pretty wrapping too.


  3. I love that you can upcycle napkins and towels into gift wrap! It's a terrific and very creative idea!

  4. I will have to keep this in mind when I start wrapping gifts. I love this idea!

  5. I have stopped buying wrapping paper. I love this idea of wrapping the gift in a shawl.

  6. I love this idea! I'm going to see what kinds of fabrics I have around that I can use instead of wrapping paper.

  7. I love these gift wrapping ideas, I have to give these a try.

  8. I loved how you used the scarf and it turned out cute.

  9. I love this idea. It's better than throwing away all that pretty paper. This can be reused!

  10. Love this idea. I sometimes feel it is such a waste to use Christmas wrappers. Last year, I saved all the comics sections of the newspapers and that is what I used to wrap my gifts to family and friends.

  11. This is such a really amazing and really great ideas! I really enjoy reading this.


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