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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Welcome to the 2023 Christmas-in-July Giveaway!

 I always get excited about the Christmas in July post as that means I can officially start thinking about what I am going to do this year for Christmas.  I have a BIG change coming up, we are spending Christmas in Cabo San Lucas, which means I won't be doing all my traditions this year.  There's good and bad in that, and I can't wrap my mind around all of it right now.

But one thing I do know:  I need my Christmas planner as of yesterday!  This year, instead of sending your off to Etsy to purchase one with a discount, I decided to gift you one!  I am excited about this little planner.  You print your own pages and put them in a cute binder (I've linked to some on Amazon that I think would make a cute planner book!)  I carry my binder everywhere I go, just in case I see things out and about that I want to include (like billboard signs telling when certain light displays will be happening!)

You can access this binder in a couple of different ways.  First, click on the link and it will take you to my Google folder where you can download it to your files.  Or you can email me at and I will email you the pdf directly.  Either way, you will get your planner within 24 hours.

🎄🎄Christmas Tree Lane 2023 Christmas Planner 🎄🎄

Let me know what you think of the planner!  I'd love to get your feedback and hear from you in the comments!  Happy Christmas-in-July!

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